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MCOM 1110 - Media and Social Institutions |
Media and Social Institutions reviews the history and functions of mass media, while examining the role media play in society, their effect on culture, and the concerns they pose for a democracy. Media literacy and media criticism skills are taught.
Prerequisites & Notes
Note: This course was formerly COMM 1010.
Prerequisites: READ 0870 and ENGL 0870 or appropriate entrance scores.
3 Credit Hours - 3 Lecture Hours (Variable)
Note: * Course designed for transfer.
3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours Levels: Undergraduate Schedule Types: Lecture Behavioral/Social Sciences Div Division University Parallel Department Prerequisites: Prerequisite of READ 0870 General Requirements: ( Course or Test: READ 0870 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( A03 19 to 36 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( CR01 83 to 99 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( S01 460 to 800 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: ENGL 1010 to 1020 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( RLS1 4 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: DSPR 0800 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) Prerequisites: Prereq of ENGL0800 or 0870 General Requirements: ( Course or Test: ENGL 0800 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: ENGL 0870 Minimum Grade of C May be taken concurrently. ) or ( ELS1 4 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: ENGL 1010 to 1020 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: DSPW 0800 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( CW01 83 to 99 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( A01 18 to 36 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( S01 450 to 800 May not be taken concurrently. ) |
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